Oscar Wild: After Dark

Hello, Oscar Wild listeners! After two and a half years of Oscar Rewinds, chats about our favorite films, and deep dives into all 23 Oscar categories, we are excited to finally share our Patreon with you. Creating this podcast has been one of our greatest joys and it has been wonderful to get to know so many new film fans from around the world each week. We’ve always tried to keep our episodes fun with plenty of variety, but sometimes we find that covering awards season doesn’t give us the freedom that we initially hoped for when we created our show back in Nick’s kitchen the day before Parasite won Best Picture.

In late 2020, we started brainstorming fun episodes that we would internally call “Oscar Wild: After Dark.” Wouldn’t it be fun if we could talk about Octavia Spencer in MA? Imagine if we did an entire episode dedicated to a our favorite erotic thrillers that The Academy wouldn’t touch with a ten-foot pole? These are the things we would lament to each other while planning episodes on films we didn’t really love, but had to cover anyway because they were in the Best Picture race. Thus, Oscar Wild: After Dark was born.

We both work full-time and while we love this beautiful creation of ours, the cost and time commitment of hosting a weekly podcast adds up. We appreciate your generosity and your continued support. As Lady Gaga would say, “there could be 100 listeners in the room and 99 of them don’t believe in you, but all it takes is one and it just changes your whole life.”

Nick & Sophia